Implementing Modern Programming Practices for the MCFOST Radiative Transfer Code

MCFOST, a 3D continuum and line radiative transfer code developed by Christophe Pinte and his…

Solar, Stellar and Space Physics with Machine Learning Workshop

The Machine Learning and Data Applications Group in Solar Physics in the School of Mathematics…

Modernising a thermonuclear burst simulation code for neutron star constraints

BEANSp is a software tool developed to simulate Bayesian Estimation of Accreting Neutron Star parameters.…

GOTO X-ray Binaries web app audit and update

GOTO-XBs is a web platform developed to maximise the scientific potential of the Gravitational-wave Optical…

Optimisation of FRB processing on OzStar

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extremely luminous radio signals occurring on millisecond timescales from as-yet…

Improving the TESS Atlas website and catalog-automation

The Quest for Exoplanets Humans have long sought planets beyond our solar system, driven by…

Implementation of VLT/NACO pipeline optimisations

The Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph (NaCo) is a high-contrast instrument previously…

NextFlow training 2022B

In the 2022B semester two groups requested training in the workflow orchestration language of NextFlow.…

2022B HPC training

This training was developed by ADACS at the request of Kieran Luken as part of…

Software support for the SMART pulsar survey

CI: - Dr. Ramesh Bhat The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) survey is a new…

Phantom optimisation

CI: - Dr. D. Price PHANTOM is a publicly available smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics…

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

CI: - Dr. N. Barry The most successful open-source Epoch of Reionisation pipeline is built…

Transforming Robbie to support transient science in the SKA big-data era

CI: - Dr. T. Galvin Robbie is a batch-based processing pipeline to support the identification…

Optimizing PyKOALA for processing RSS and IFS data

CI: - Dr. A. Lopez-Sanchez The Hi-KIDS team is developing a Python package, PyKOALA, for…

Modernising tools for GFO operation

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

Efficient Emission Line Fitting Software for Optical IFU

CI: - Dr. D. Fisher We are proposing for ADACS resources to generate a fast,…

Optimising GPU Performance for the QUOKKA Code

CI: - Dr. M. Krumholz QUOKKA is a new open-source adaptive mesh refinement radiation-hydrodynamics (RHD)…

SimSpin – a web application

CI: - Dr. K. Harborne The aim of this project is to develop a web…

Unlocking the Archive – Near Infrared Galaxy Photometry Across the Southern Sky

CI: - Dr. E. Taylor The focus of this proposal is the production of a…

A web based portal for COMPAS

CI: - Dr. S. Stevenson Aims The key goal of this project is to reduce…

GPU Acceleration of the DiFX Software Correlator

CI: - Dr. A. Deller The Distributed FX (DiFX) software correlator is a widely adopted…

Extending the Data Central Simple Spectra Viewer

CI: - Dr. S. O'Toole An easy to deploy and use web-based tool to visualise…

Optimisation of the COMPAS rapid binary population synthesis code

CI: - Dr. I. Mandel We are requesting ADACS software support to enable the optimisation…

Software Support for GASKAP Imaging

CI: - Dr. N. Pingel We request a total of six weeks of ADACS support…

Optimizing parallel Bilby (pBilby)

CI: - Dr. R. Smith The proposal aims to diagnose and remove communication bottlenecks in…

Optimising the SAMI cubing code

CI: - Dr. N. Scott The SAMI data reduction pipeline processes raw data from the…

Universal Cosmic Ray Detection with CREDO

CI: - Dr. A. Duffy We are constantly bombarded by high energy particles from space,…

3D Heat Transport, Burning, and Evolution

CI: - Dr. A. Heger Type I X-ray bursts on the surface of accreting neutron…

Global Fireball Observatory – Astrometric calibration container

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

CI: - Dr. N. Barry The most successful open-source Epoch of Reionisation pipeline is built…

MPI Parallelisation of a Boltzmann Solver for Supernova Simulations

CI: - Dr. B Mueller Most massive stars end their lives in a violent explosion…

Global Firebal Observatory operations – Ansible

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

ASVO UX Training

CI: - Dr. D. Croton User-directed development places the user at the centre of the…

Getting parallel bilby production-ready for LIGO’s fourth observing run

CI: - Dr. A. Vajpeyi Parallel Bilby (pBilby) is a highly parallelized gravitational-wave (GW) inference…

Optimizig the GFO pipeline for more efficient fireball event corroboration

CI: - Dr. M. Cupak The Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) at Curtin University is…

Parallelising Finesse v3 for gravitational wave detector design and inference problems

CI: - Dr. D. Brown Finesse ( is an open source optical interferometer modelling tool…

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

CI: - Dr. N. Barry The most successful open-source Epoch of Reionisation pipeline is built…

3D Heat Transport, Burning, and Evolution

CI:- Dr. A. Heger Understanding and modeling heat transport mechanisms in different mediums is a…


CI: - Dr. Daniel Price PHANTOM is a publicly available smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics…


CI: - Dr. Aaron Robotham

NBody and VR

CI: - Pascal Elahi


CI: - Dr. Paul Lasky

Spectrum Viewer

CI: - Dr. Christian Wolf

Model dispersion with PRISM

CI: - Ellert Van Der Velden

Embedded SSP 3

The final project focuses on developing a new deep spectral line imaging pipeline and optimised…

Embedded SSP 2

Two groups from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) were the other successful candidates.…

Embedded SSP 1

One of the selected projects came from the Space Science and Technology Centre at Curtin…

Building and Supporting User Communities with GPU-Accelerated Computing Services

Investigators: Georgios Bekiaris (Astronomy and Space Science - CSIRO)Giorgos Vernardos (University of Gronigen)Christopher Fluke (Swinburne…

Speeding up Reionization with GPUs

Investigators: Simon Mutch (University of Melbourne)Paul Geil (University of Melbourne)Stuart Wyithe (University of Melbourne)Cathryn Trott…

GPU acceleration of gravitational-wave signal models

- CI: Rory Smith Abstract: This project will develop a GPU implementation of gravitational-wave signal…

Galaxy and black hole co-evolution survey using active machine learning

- CI: Julie Banfield The aim of this project is to use recent advances in…

An automated data reduction pipeline for AAO Data Central

- CI: Simon O’Toole We propose to make available ~30 million fully reduced and calibrated spectra…