Deadline Extension – Scientific Computing and Software Development Services – EOI – 2018A
Call for Expressions of Interest for
Scientific Computing and Software Development Services – 2018A
A principal component of ADACS is the provision of expertise for the design and development of software tools and infrastructure. In addition to providing resources and support for our major data platforms (e.g. the All-Sky Virtual Observatory project, and the gSTAR data management and collaboration platform), ADACS will provide support to other small-to-intermediate scale tools/platforms by introducing scientific computing and software development as a service. Within Q1/2 2018, ADACS will provide the equivalent of a minimum of 1 full-time computational scientist as a resource to the community. A diversely qualified team will participate, with expertise covering a variety of areas including (but not limited to): system analysis and design, scientific computing, high-performance computing, data science, web development, large-scale scientific databases, cloud computing and scientific visualization.
The allocation of these resources will be merit-based with the final evaluation to be performed by the Astronomy Data and Computing Services Time Allocation Committee.
To prepare the community for effective proposals, we have split the application process into two stages: an expressions of interest (EoI) stage where we ask interested parties to submit a one-page proposal outlining their scientific objectives, to which we will provide detailed feedback regarding feasibility, optimal approaches and required resources; and a subsequent round of formal submissions — shaped by our input — to be made to the ADACS TAC.
We ask that EoI submissions be kept to one page and provide the following:
- a concise description of the proposed project;
- expected benefits of the final software product;
- if possible, an initial estimate of the required resources.
When considering projects for this process, we also ask that you keep the following in mind: all ADACS development will be open-source, and as such, made publicly available.
Inquires can be directed to Greg Poole (gpoole@swin.edu.au) or Amr Hassan (ahassan@swin.edu.au).
The deadline for EoI submissions is the 9th November 2017, 5 pm AEST and should be submitted via email to TAC@adacs.org.au. We expect the deadline for the applications to be shortly after that.
The review of applications will proceed on a first-come-first-served basis and we welcome submissions any time from now until the deadline. Processing will commence immediately upon receipt. We strongly encourage unsuccessful applicants from previous rounds to consider applying for this round.
ADACS is a collaboration between Swinburne University of Technology, Curtin University, and Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. It is funded under Astronomy National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) Program via Astronomy Australia Ltd (AAL).