Merit Allocation Program 2021A Semester – EOI now open
The call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the 2021A Semester of the ADACS Merit Allocation Program is now open
EoI Deadline: Friday 2nd October, 2020 @ 8pm AEST
Expressions of interest are now being accepted for the next semester of the ADACS Merit Allocation Program. Those who could benefit either from training or the development effort of software professionals are encouraged at this time to submit a simple one-page document expressing their project idea. ADACS staff will then follow-up with applicants to organise a discussion with a goal of organising a final application, to be due the first week of November.
Note: all applicants must participate in the EoI process in order for a final submission to be accepted.
Please visit this link for specific EoI instructions and for more details about the program.