EOI open for ADACS Merit Allocation Program – 2020B semester
ADACS Merit Allocation Program - Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) - 2020B Semester
Expressions of interest are now being accepted for the ADACS Merit Allocation Program.
EoI Deadline: Friday 17th April, 2020 @ 8pm AEDT
The Merit Allocation Program
The Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS) Merit Allocation Program is changing considerably this semester. There are now three types of support available (note that while we continue to have calls for 2 semesters per year – semester A starting in January & semester B starting in July – not all support is available every semester):
1) Training Support
In A and B semesters, members of the Australian astronomy community are invited to apply for personalised / bespoke face-to-face or online ADACS training.
Enquiries regarding the Training Support Program should be sent to Rebecca Lange (rebecca.lange@curtin.edu.au).
2) Long-Term Support
In B semesters (such as this), members of the Australian astronomy community are invited to apply for Long Term Support (launched in the 2019B semester and previously called Embedded Support). Projects that can demonstrate the benefit of having an ADACS technical staff member join their team for between 0.5 – 1.0 FTE effort for a duration of 12 months are encouraged to apply. The aim of this program is to add long term value to existing investments and to assist in the optimisation of existing workflows, software and processes.
Enquiries regarding the Long-Term Program should be sent to adacs@pawsey.org.au.
3) Software Support
Otherwise, the process for applying for software support in A and B semesters is largely unchanged from before with one exception: training can now be incorporated into these projects as well.
For new capabilities developed through an ADACS Software Support Project, examples of appropriate training include:
- proper use of new tools/optimisations, etc. in HPC environments;
- Training in the use of technologies leveraged in the development cycle of the project (e.g. to enable science teams to conduct ongoing support, add further features, etc.)
Inquiries regarding the Software Support Program can be directed to Gregory Poole (gpoole@swin.edu.au) or Jarrod Hurley (jhurley@swin.edu.au).
How does the program work?
The allocation of all resources will be based on impact and scientific merit, with the final evaluation performed by the Astronomy Data and Computing Services Time Allocation Committee (see http://www.astronomyaustralia.org.au/adacs-tac.html).
- To ensure effective and program-appropriate proposals, there will be a three stage application process:
In the first instance all researchers are asked to submit an expression of interest (EoI). We strongly encourage both successful and unsuccessful applicants from previous rounds to consider reapplying. - An ADACS staff member will then be in touch to organise a formative discussion with the ADACS technical team. This will be processed immediately upon receipt on a first-come-first-served basis and we welcome submissions any time from now until the deadline.
- Following discussions with the ADACS technical staff, applicants will then be able to make a formal support application that will be assessed by the ADACS TAC. The final application deadline will be ~4 weeks from the EoI deadline (details of this process will be provided during the EoI process).
When considering applications for this process, please consider that all ADACS development will be open-source and as such, made publicly available. In addition, all training will be kept inclusive, open and available to the broader community.
Note that all applicants must participate in the EoI process in order for a final submission to be accepted.
EOI submissions
EoI submissions should be informative but not more than one page and should provide a concise description of the intended project and its goals. The EoI should provide sufficient information to form a basis of subsequent technical discussions with ADACS technical staff. Important areas to consider during the EoI process include:
- feasibility of the project;
- scope and limitations (i.e. what exactly will be part of this project?; what will not?);
- expected outputs and outcomes;
- approach to be used;
- visual summary (process map) for Long-term and general Software Support projects;
- constraints and dependencies (including resources needed to support the project);
- implementation and ongoing requirements (post ADACS support period).
The format of EoI submissions should be as follows:
- Please submit as a pdf document
- Please state which of the three support programs you are expressing interest in: “Training Support”, “Long-Term Support” or “Software Support”
- Please include the following sections:
- Project Background
- A one-paragraph description of the scientific background to the project
- Project Goals
- Give a description – as you understand it – of the work that you are seeking ADACS to perform
- Resource Requirements
- Will your project have external dependencies?
- Will you require computing or storage access? If so, how will you secure it?
- Project Background
- Text must be black type using a highly legible 12pt font such as Arial or Times New Roman, and single column on white A4 size paper with at least 0.5 cm margins on all sides.
The deadline for EoI submissions is the 17th April, 2020 @ 8pm AEDT.
EoI applications should be submitted via email to TAC@adacs.org.au.
Enquiries regarding the ADACS Merit Allocation Program overall – including the EoI process – should be directed to Gregory Poole (gpoole@swin.edu.au) or Jarrod Hurley (jhurley@swin.edu.au).