Learner profile of a
Christina is a cosmologist working on galaxy clustering.
Her skills include:
- Working in areas of theory+model building, observations, n-body simulations
- Good knowledge of statistics / statistical models
- Comparing models to data
- Working with standard pipelines (Boltzmann codes)
- Running large codes and dealing with large datasets
- Submitting jobs to the supercomputer queue
- Setting up interactive jobs
- Submitting jobs to the supercomputer queue
- Using pipelines set up by simulators
- Querying simulations (SQL, or interface)
- Millenium
- Tau
- Using Python or C / C++ to manipulate datasets, often wrapping C in Python to speed up operations
- Knowledge of using appropriate Python packages, such as:
- emcee
- Healpy
- pandas
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- Astropy
- SciPy
- Scikit-learn
- N-body simulations
- Gadget
- Collaboration and leadership
- Managing a large number of international collaborators