ADACS Data Science Training (Brisbane 21st March, and Sydney 23rd March)

Throughout 2017 the Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL) initiative for Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS) will deliver data services and expert training to improve data management and computing practises, helping the community to maximise the use of astronomy-focused infrastructure.
As part of the computational training the partners will run face-to-face workshops and offer online material ranging from introductory programming to tutorials on astronomy specific packages in R and python. We will soon send out a survey to gauge the community interest on various topics. We encourage you to answer this survey as it will help us develop the computational training material required by the astronomy community in Australia.

The next ADACS event will be a one-day face-to-face and interactive workshop on introductory computing for astronomers, held in conjunction with the Pawsey Roadshow in Brisbane and Sydney. This is a whole day event run in parallel to the Pawsey clinics and is open to any interested astronomer regardless of their use of supercomputing infrastructure.

Training schedule (times are the same for Sydney and Brisbane)

A basic knowledge of python is assumed (i.e., you know the basic data structures and operations and how to write a script) and the workshop will utilise ipython notebooks which will be made available for the event.

Dates and venues

Brisbane – 21 March 2017, University of Queensland – Boardroom St Leo’s College

                    please fill in this form to RSVP (choose the astronomy training module)

Sydney – 23 March 2017, AGSM Hugh Dixon Theatre, University of New South Wales, AGSM Building, Gate 11

                     Please fill in this form to RSVP (choose the astronomy training module)

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