Past Software Support Projects


Past Software Support Projects

Since 2017 ADACS has worked on Software support Projects covering a wide range of topics such as but not limited to: System Analysis and Design, Scientific Computing, High-performance Computing, Data Science, Web Development, Large-scale Scientific Databases, Cloud Computing and Scientific Visualisation.

A call for proposals is issued each semester via the ASA mail exploder for project work to be conducted in the following semester. Proposals are ranked according to scientific and computational merit by an ADACS TAC assembled by AAL. The highest ranked proposals that match the ADACS resources available for that semester are selected for delivery.

All previously successful projects can be found below.

  • All Semesters
  • 2017B
  • 2018A
  • 2018B
  • 2019A
  • 2019B
  • 2020A
  • 2020B
  • 2021A
  • 2021B
  • 2022A
  • 2022B
  • 2023A
  • 2023B
  • 2024A
  • Beginner
  • Code Design
  • embedded
  • HPC
  • Intermediate
  • Machine Learning
  • Optimisation
  • OzStar
  • Project Management
  • Python
  • Query Languages
  • Software Development
  • Training Services
  • Version Control
  • Web Dev
  • Workflow
  • Workshop Materials

Implementing Modern Programming Practices for the MCFOST Radiative Transfer Code

Solar, Stellar and Space Physics with Machine Learning Workshop

Modernising a thermonuclear burst simulation code for neutron star constraints

Automating Weather Modelling for Meteorite Recovery

GOTO X-ray Binaries web app audit and update

Optimisation of FRB processing on OzStar

Improving the TESS Atlas website and catalog-automation

Implementation of VLT/NACO pipeline optimisations

NextFlow training 2022B

2022B HPC training

Transient RApid-response using Coordinated Event Triggering (TRACET)

Software support for the SMART pulsar survey

Research Project Management

Phantom optimisation

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

Transforming Robbie to support transient science in the SKA big-data era

Optimizing PyKOALA for processing RSS and IFS data

Modernising tools for GFO operation

Efficient Emission Line Fitting Software for Optical IFU

Optimising GPU Performance for the QUOKKA Code

SimSpin – a web application

Unlocking the Archive – Near Infrared Galaxy Photometry Across the Southern Sky

A web based portal for COMPAS

GPU Acceleration of the DiFX Software Correlator

Extending the Data Central Simple Spectra Viewer

Optimisation of the COMPAS rapid binary population synthesis code

Software Support for GASKAP Imaging

Optimizing parallel Bilby (pBilby)

Optimising the SAMI cubing code

Universal Cosmic Ray Detection with CREDO

3D Heat Transport, Burning, and Evolution

Global Fireball Observatory – Astrometric calibration container

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

MPI Parallelisation of a Boltzmann Solver for Supernova Simulations

Global Firebal Observatory operations – Ansible

ASVO UX Training

Collaboration on Shared Codebases

Getting parallel bilby production-ready for LIGO’s fourth observing run

Optimizig the GFO pipeline for more efficient fireball event corroboration

Parallelising Finesse v3 for gravitational wave detector design and inference problems

Modernisation of Software for Epoch of Reionisation Science

3D Heat Transport, Burning, and Evolution


Global Cosmic Ray Detection

Rapidly and Optimally Identifying Gravitational-Wave Optical Counterparts for GOTO

Fast becomes Faster: A Full OpenCL rewrite of Corrfunc


Parallelisation of the SoFiA Source Finding Pipeline

NBody and VR

An implementation of the BFDMT in CUDA

Spectrum Viewer

Building on Bilby-UI: bringing continuous gravitational wave science to the web

A Webapp for modeling the Galalxy

DWF portal and database

Extended MWA Survey Progress and Monitoring

Bringing LIGO Science to the Masses

Multi-threading ASKAPSoft Synthesis Imaging

Model dispersion with PRISM

Corrfunc — Blazing Fast Correlation Functions Now on the GPU

Embedded SSP 3

Embedded SSP 2

Embedded SSP 1

Building and Supporting User Communities with GPU-Accelerated Computing Services

Speeding up Reionization with GPUs

GPU acceleration of gravitational-wave signal models

Galaxy and black hole co-evolution survey using active machine learning

An automated data reduction pipeline for AAO Data Central

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