NASA Space APPS Challenge

The International Space Apps Challenge is NASA’s incubator innovation program to spur innovation by convening global citizens around NASA’s open data to solve mission-relevant and earth challenges. Global citizens work with open data and APIs to solve challenges within categories designed to support NASA’s ongoing missions. As a result, participants produce thousands of projects making open source solutions with immediate value to NASA and the global community.

The event draws on the talents and initiative of bright minded volunteers – developers, designers, engineers, technologists and anyone with a passion and desire to make an immediate impact on the world or with an interest in earth, space and data.

The NASA Space Apps Challenge Perth will take place from 29-30 April at CORE Innovation Hub (191 St Georges Terrace), starting at 7:30AM and running non-stop till Sunday evening. Register here:

This year’s event is themed around “Earth” challenges. The Earth themes are:

The event is supported by Woodside, The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, ICRAR and BHP Billiton.

For more information, visit


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